How to Actually Master New Habits

Build long-term habits with less effort

We all have habits that we want to add to our life.

It might be going to the gym consistently

Or drinking more water.

For me, it’s getting at least 30min of direct sunlight every day.

The thing is… it’s hard to implement new habits.

Maybe it's the initial enthusiasm that fizzles out or the overwhelming feeling of adding yet another 'to-do' to our already packed schedules.

But don't worry.

There's a tried and tested approach to habits that will make implementing new ones so much easier.

Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Define Your New Habits

    Define who you want to be in 30 days from now as clearly as possible and then reverse engineer the habits you had to implement and remove to get there. Write down a list of the top three habits you want to work on. Be specific about what success looks like for each habit.

  2. Daily Tracking

    Create a daily habit tracker (feel free to use my free Notion habit tracker) and mark off all the habits you do each day. Try and see how many days per week you can get a perfect score, make it a game for yourself and keep yourself accountable, if you don’t complete a habit that day, don’t check it off.

  3. Accountability Partner

    Find someone who can help keep you accountable. Maybe a friend or a family member. Just find someone who are also on the road of self-improvement. You can even invite them to your habit tracker inside of Notion and tell them to give yourself a punishment each time your habit score isn’t 100%. This could be anything from giving them $50 to getting punched in the face. I’ve personally done this with one of my friends and trust me this works, the desire not to get punched in the face is stronger than the desire to not complete a habit. Implementing this will make your journey easier and way more fun.

  4. Set Reminders

    Use your phone, Notion, Google Calendar or your digital assistant to set daily reminders that prompt you to complete your habit. This way, you can never use the excuse “I forgot about it.”

  5. Celebrate The Small Wins

    Document your successes and celebrate your progress. Even if you’ve only completed a week of a new habit, make a tweet about it. Tell your friends you’ve done something consistently. It’s the little wins that add up over time. And if it’s something like going to the gym where you’ll see physical benefits then be sure to take progress pictures so you can see yourself improve over time.

  6. Keep Learning

    Bookmark articles, videos, or podcasts that offer insights into habit formation and set aside time each week to go through them. I’d recommend listening to the audiobook while reading the physical book at the same time, you not only remember the information for longer but it’s also a lot faster because you’re not pronouncing the words out loud in your head, you’re just listening on 1.5 or 2x speed. Try it with these 3 books about habits:

    • "Atomic Habits" by James Clear: Provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the science of how habits work and how to form them.

    • "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg: Explains the psychology and neuroscience behind why habits exist and how they can be changed.

    • "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey: Offers a principle-centered approach to solving personal and professional problems through habit changes.

If you follow the steps outlined in this email and read the books mentioned above…

You’ll become part of the top 1% of habit formers, armed with both the knowledge and the practical tools to make lasting change.

Catch you next week with more tips on building a better you.

Chris (The Notion Wizard)

P.S. Remember to grab your free Notion habit tracker