Manage your energy, not just your time

7 ways to increase your energy & productivity

The other day I got a notification from my time-tracking tool Rize, that I was on the brink of burnout because I’ve consistently been overworking these past 2 weeks building my free Notion course & community, as you can see in the screenshot below:

But I didn’t listen and I kept going, because I know how to regulate my energy and stay focused, I’ve trained my brain and body to do so.

In this email I want to share how to avoid the common trap of only focusing on managing your time and not your energy.

The goal isn’t 8h of work but 8h of focused and productive work.

Here’s 7 ways to manage your energy more effectively:

1. Energy Cycles 

Pay attention throughout the day to when you feel the most mentally sharp and when you crash in energy. Plan your most demanding tasks during your peak energy times, and save the low-energy tasks for your slower periods. This is crucial, time-block and plan your day based on your energy levels, not the time of day.

2. Fueling Your Body  

What we eat directly impacts our energy levels. Food is nothing more than fuel for the body. A Ferrari can’t function on water, give your body what it needs. The food you’re eating when you’re optimizing for bulking/cutting is a lot different than what you eat for mental clarity and energy. What your body needs is different for everyone.

Personally I function best on a low-carb diet with a lot of protein and healthy fats. Avoid sugar, gluten, and any processed foods for optimal energy. Don’t eat anything that didn’t exist 100 years ago. Also drink lots of water.

3. Prioritize Sleep

Quality sleep is non-negotiable for maintaining high energy levels and peak productivity. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and try to keep a consistent sleep schedule. Your body and mind will thank you. If you can control your morning & evening the day is yours.

4. Take Breaks  

Short regular breaks can do wonders for your energy. Try the Pomodoro Technique: work for 25min, then take a 5min break. Or you can modify it like me and do 55min work with a 5min break, whatever works best for you. It's a simple way to keep your energy up throughout the day.

5. Stay Active 

Regular exercise isn't just good for your health, it's a powerful energy booster. If you ever feel low on energy, hit the gym or go for a run. This sounds counterintuitive but it works. Move more.

6. Get sunlight

Try to get 30min of sunlight every day, it’s a massive productivity hack. We are all vitamin D sufficient and need to get outside more. Every morning before I even turn on my computer I go for a 30min walk with my shirt of to get some sunlight, move my body, and let my mind wander.

7. Manage Stress 

Chronic stress is a major energy drainer. Incorporate stress-reducing techniques like meditation, breathwork, or yoga into your routine. A clear mind is a focused one.

Another bonus tip when it comes to increasing your energy is to surround yourself with like-minded people that you enjoy talking to and being around.

Which is why I created my Notion community called Notion Wizards

A place for people like us to learn, inspire, connect, and collaborate with each other.

As we speak I’m releasing 1 module for my new Notion course every single day inside the community.

In a couple of minutes I’ll add the last module for the Basics section of the course, and tomorrow I’ll be starting with the intermediate section.

Btw it’s totally free, all I ask is that you be an active member of the community and help out where you can, here’s the link:

See you inside

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