Kill Procrastination With This One Simple Trick

How to stop wasting time

Ever found yourself scrolling endlessly through social media when you've got a big project that needs to get done?

Distracting yourself and procrastinating until the very last minute before you need to cram a week’s worth of work into 2 hours.

Yep, we've all been there. Procrastination isn't just a buzzword, it's a real obstacle we need to overcome on our self-improvement journey. But what if I told you there's one simple trick to beat it?

I'm not talking about elaborate systems or time-consuming methods. This is a practical tip that I’ve personally been using to combat that bitch voice inside that only wants the next dopamine hit.

This simple trick transformed the way I approach work and as a byproduct increased my productivity, and I know it can do the same for you:

The Five-Minute Rule

Start by committing just 5 minutes to your task. That's it.

Set a timer on your phone or through a Pomodoro timer (you can embed this timer into Notion) and see how much work you can get done in these 5 minutes.

The trick here is to break the inertia of inactivity. Starting is often the hardest part, but once you're in motion, it's easy to keep going and you usually don’t want to stop until it’s done.

Why it works:

  • Overcoming Overwhelm: Big tasks can feel daunting, but 5 minutes is easy.

  • Building Momentum: Once you start, you'll often find it's not as bad as you thought. You’ll likely keep going because the best form of motivation is progress.

Next time you're putting off a task, try the 5-minute rule. Just tell yourself you’ll only do it for five minutes and set a timer to trick your brain. You’ll be surprised at how well this works.

No one is born productive, it’s a habit you need to build. Success isn’t about massive life-changing transformations, it's about the small 1% improvements every day that lead to remarkable results.

Hope this was useful

P.S. I’ll be sending out another email on Thursday giving you an early bird discount to my new Notion community with a bonus dashboard you get for free. This will only last for 1 week until I officially launch the community on the 1st of Feb. I promise you I’ll make this community the most valuable resource on the internet when it comes to Notion, but I’ll need your help. Hope to see you there!

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