Hack Your Habits in 6 easy steps

The Science of Habit formation


Ever feel like you're stuck in a loop, battling the same unproductive habits over and over again?

You know those days when you promise yourself you'll stay focused, only to find yourself knee-deep in a YouTube rabbit hole?

Or the moments you plan to tackle your to-do list, but suddenly your phone's gravitational pull is just too strong?

We've all been there, including myself. But there are 6 simple steps you can follow to break free from those productivity pitfalls (and they actually work):

Here's your roadmap to mastering new habits:

Step 1: Identify the Culprits 

First things first, point out the sneaky habits holding you back. Like actually use your finger and point to your bad habits whenever you spot it and call them out. Whether it's mindless scrolling, snacking in the kitchen instead of working, or hitting the snooze button. Identifying these culprits is the first step to change.

Example: Getting the need to check social media just for one minute (even though it’s never just 1min). Point to your phone and say out loud “Social Media Addiction”

Step 2: Set Clear Intentions 

Now that you've unmasked your habits, it's time to set crystal-clear intentions. What do you want to achieve? How will breaking these habits elevate your productivity? Get specific!

Example: Instead of a vague goal like "be more productive," be more specific and say "complete at least three tasks before lunch."

Step 3: Small Wins Lead to Big Results 

Don't underestimate the power of baby steps. Small victories build momentum and reinforce positive behavior. Celebrate every win, no matter how minor. This can even be just putting on your running shoes.

Example: Pat yourself on the back for resisting the urge to check your inbox every five minutes.

Step 4: Create a Supportive Environment 

Your surroundings play a massive role in shaping your habits. Design a workspace that starves your distractions and feeds your focus.

Example: Establish a dedicated work area away from the temptations of your cozy bed, TV, or phone.

Step 5: Consistency is Key 

Repetition is the mother of habit formation. Consistency turns intentional actions into second nature. Stick to your plan, even on the days when motivation is on vacation.

Example: Make your new habits non-negotiable. Until, just like brushing your teeth, it becomes automatic.

Step 6: Learn from Setbacks 

Missteps happen. Rather than dwelling on a day of distraction, use it as an opportunity to learn. What triggered the slip? How can you avoid it next time?

Example: A Netflix binge yesterday doesn't erase your progress. Analyze what led to it and adjust your strategy.

Remember habits aren't our enemies, they're our loyal companions. It's all about training them to work in our favor.

If you want to learn how to build a Notion system for curbing your bad habits and upgrading them with new healthy habits then be sure to check out my new Habit Tracker Dashboard tutorial here:

Stay productive!

P.S. I’m doing market research for something special I’m cooking up behind the scenes and your input would be immensely valuable.

If you’d be willing, I’ve put together a survey with a couple of questions regarding different areas of life so I can learn what problems you’re struggling with and how I can help on a deeper level.

I’ll create solutions & systems for all the problems you list below:

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