How to use Notion to fix your focus

Use Notion to fix your focus with these 6 steps

Staying focused is a superpower in today’s world of endless notifications and to-do’s.

Which is why you need to train your brain to zero in on what matters most, and Notion can help you do just that…

Here’s 6 simple steps to sharpen your focus using Notion:

1. Create a Daily Focus List

Start your day by listing the top three tasks you absolutely need to get done. No more, no less. Use a simple Notion template to jot these down every morning. This keeps you from getting overwhelmed and helps you concentrate on what’s most important.

2. Set Up a Distraction Log

Every time you find yourself distracted, note it down in Notion. Create a dedicated page for this. It might seem tedious at first, but you’ll quickly notice patterns in what pulls your attention away. Awareness is the first step to making a change.

3. Use Timers for Deep Work

The Pomodoro Technique is a game-changer for focus. Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Use Notion to track your Pomodoros and keep a record of what you’ve accomplished. This method helps your brain stay fresh and focused.

4. Organize Your Workspace

A cluttered workspace can lead to a cluttered mind. Use Notion to organize your projects and tasks in a clean, intuitive way. Create separate pages for different areas of your life and keep everything tidy. A well-organized digital space makes it easier to find what you need and stay on track.

5. Reflect and Adjust

At the end of each day, take five minutes to reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Did you accomplish your top three tasks? If not, why? Use Notion’s journaling feature to jot down these reflections. This helps you adjust and improve your focus over time.

6. Block Out Distractions

Turn off notifications for a set period each day. Use Notion to plan these “focus blocks” and stick to them. Let others know when you’re in a focus block so they don’t interrupt you. Creating this boundary can significantly boost your productivity.

Experiment and implement these 6 tips into your daily routine and see how your focus level improves throughout the day.

Notion isn’t just a productivity tool, it’s THE productivity tool.

And if you use it the right way it will help you fix your focus

Thanks for reading
Chris “stay focused” Punt

P.S. I’ve been afk for a while working on a lot of things in the backend but I’m back on track with YouTube content and will be posting weekly newsletters again.

However, it will most likely change A LOT…

Everything will move in the direction of how to make money with Notion

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